Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fig Tree jelly roll......

last night i decided to begin quilting this long over due project. I had pieced it together months ago and it just sat folded, patiently waiting......

introducing the quilter's cat....

otherwise known as Lucy.

she is such a big help......

and a cute little diversion.....she just loves the craft things i do.....she's often asleep in our study, curled up on my fabric or scrapbooking paper. she loves winter when i knit....she and the kids have had countless hours of fun playing with my precious balls of yarn...she loves playing with the tools i'm using and ruffing up things.......
i just find her so hard to resist.....especially when she climbs upon my lap and purrs......i am a cat-person

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's HERE!!!!!!!

I ordered these little beauties before Christmas and the wait has been unbearable......

Yesterday #3 came and told me there was someone at the door - the only morning I've stayed in bed and had my shower after 9am, so of course the Australia Post delivery guy would knock upon my door THAT morning. Thankfully - God bless his little cotton socks, he had left them at the door for me to grab once I was dressed.

Now if only dust, grime, hungry children, laundry (clean and dirty) and husband would leave me alone, I could 'get to it' with The General.......

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas this year
I wanted to decorate our tree in red/turquoise.
None of the shops here had those colours
and by the time I discovered this
all of the online shops were sold out.
Every year it is the same - I leave it to the
very last minute......
so like last year we just had silver on the tree
which looks ok at night when the lights are on,
but during the day it's plain.
Next year.......

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oh. My. Goodness. holy smoke batman - guess who has gone and got their passport?????

Sadly, not the Fireman's Wife, yes you guessed it, the fireman.......

Sam will leave our fair shores and fly away to the grand land of the USA in February.

A friend of his so kindly invited him to meet him in Daytona for the Nascars - how could he refuse??????

So, while I will be here, with numbers 1 to 3 and school, Sam will be living it up in Florida.

I'm not sure whether to celebrate or commiserate..........

My dream is to travel to the USA......

He is going without me......

but only for 10 days and he wont be sight seeing.

I've 'googled' and there doesn't appear to be any great fabric shops near where he will be. I had hoped to send him and his mate to buy up a whole lot of Moda fabrics, but I think that's just a dream too........

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


remember this from quite some time ago.......

when it was just 2 charm squares joined together

with a brown border?

Well, now it is half a quilt.

So, do you get what's happening?

It was the most annoying thing to figure out.

I saw a picture of one of these quilts - can't even remember

if it was in a magazine or a picture online,

but I decided that I wanted one.

So, one Sunday afternoon I spent 'googling' and measuring

until I finally got the proportions correct and then

cut out and marked my template.

Now to measure up, trace, cut and sew the rest of it!