I've been looking through my photos and came across this little gem. It was taken 6 years ago......gosh they've grown.
I can still remember that morning as though it was this morning.
#2 found a blue texta and drew all over #3's face. We couldn't get it all off. In the colour version of this photo you can see blue.
Come to think of it, in all of my photos taken of the three kids together, something has happened.
One shoot, #2 tripped over the leg of a table, fell and ended up with a massive bruise over one eye.
One shoot #1 had run into a wall the day before at school and had cut up his face around his nose.
Other times various children have been missing teeth.
I guess the point of all this is just memories. None of our children are perfect. Sometimes they are dirty, sometimes they are missing teeth, sometime they cut their own hair (yep, #2), sometimes they have black eyes (yep #3), sometimes they have cuts and bruises and sometimes they are just plain cranky. This is all what makes our stories ours and what our memories are made of.
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